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It’s the crack of dawn, and after hitting the snooze button at least three times, you’ve come to the realization that squeezing a healthy, nutritious breakfast into your morning routine is probably not going to happen.
Wake up call: eating a wholesome morning meal will actually save you time in the long run. A nutritious breakfast helps recharge your brain and body and gives you the fuel you need to stay energetic and efficient throughout the course of your busy day (WebMd).
To get your morning off to a good start, we have a heathy recipe that you can prepare the night before (so you can get out the door on time). This quick and easy parfait checks off all of the boxes for a wholesome breakfast – it’s filled with nutrient-rich oats, nuts, seeds and layers of yogurt to keep you full all morning long.
Do you have a favorite go-to healthy breakfast? Please share in the comments below.
July 29, 2016
May 19, 2016